McMustache’s First Piercing

Glasses McMustache Piercing

This is a horrible story of blood, weapons, and murder! The murder of a small area of my ear, of course. You always say that you can handle getting a piercing until the last second. Then, you want to go home and cry under your bed for three years until you feel like you can handle it again. But not me. I went through it even though I was scared. It took two seconds and it was done. I made three simple noises during the course of that two seconds, ”OW OW OW.” I have to admit that I over reacted a bit too much. I said at the tattoo parlor, ” I thought it would be like getting shot in the back.” But actually, it was more like somebody was lightly pinching it. So if you ever think of getting a piercing, DON’T OVER REACT!

McMustache’s First Piercing

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