McMustache’s First Piercing

Glasses McMustache Piercing

This is a horrible story of blood, weapons, and murder! The murder of a small area of my ear, of course. You always say that you can handle getting a piercing until the last second. Then, you want to go home and cry under your bed for three years until you feel like you can handle it again. But not me. I went through it even though I was scared. It took two seconds and it was done. I made three simple noises during the course of that two seconds, ”OW OW OW.” I have to admit that I over reacted a bit too much. I said at the tattoo parlor, ” I thought it would be like getting shot in the back.” But actually, it was more like somebody was lightly pinching it. So if you ever think of getting a piercing, DON’T OVER REACT!

McMustache’s First Piercing

Tax Evasion

Eric Garner

Something terrible has happened. Eric Garner has been choked to death for a crime that was not worth his life. He was accused of selling cigarettes on the road without charging taxes. Let me hear you’re opinion, what is worth more, seven % sales tax or a person’s life. This man was poor and did barely anything wrong. And a white man named Cliven Bundy, didn’t wan’t to pay taxes on the grass that his cattle was eating. He held up guns to the police, yet Eric Garner was unarmed and was still killed. Where is Cliven Bundy, ALIVE! My opinion is that if a white man who did a bigger crime doesn’t get killed, than the black man who did a smaller crime shouldn’t have to be killed either.

Tax Evasion

The Duck song, also called generic ending video

The Duck Song is by far the most stupid youtube video of all time. You have this really dumb duck who keeps asking this dude working at a lemonade stand for grapes, so he tells the duck that they only sell lemonade, so they repeat those same things over and over until the guy finally buys him some grapes, now for the generic ending part, the duck says that he didn’t like the grapes and that he wanted lemonade. Literally, that is all it is, now you don’t even have to watch it.

The Duck song, also called generic ending video

Ice Age is More Stupid Than The Person Watching It

Ice Age

Ice age SUCKZ. KILL ME IF I HAVE TO WATCH IT AGAIN. They made so many stupid mistakes. It is about a bunch of animals during an ice age trying to do a bunch of crazy different things to save their kind and crap. The third ice age is the thing that really bothers me. Everybody said not to put dinosaurs in the third movie, oh, what did they do, put dinosaurs in it. And to the people who made the movie, don’t make anymore, I think they are on the fifth movie, right now. Just, don’t watch Ice Age.

Ice Age is More Stupid Than The Person Watching It

Terraria is Better than Minecraft

Terraria Vs Minecraft

Okay, before you call me an idiot for liking Terraria more than Minecraft, and I am not saying that I don’t like Minecraft, I really do, I just think that Terraria is a little bit better than Minecraft. Many people call Terraria 2-D Minecraft, but it is way more than that. Terraria has thousands of more things than Minecraft, no exaggeration. Also Terraria has a bunch of those things that are in Minecraft mods, so for Terraria, you don’t have to spend forever for mods to download, you just already have all of those things. I do like both games, just I like one of the games more. So if you have never played those games, play both of them and tell me in the comments what you think of the games.

Terraria is Better than Minecraft

Everything Is Awesome!


I bet you expect me to write a post about something I hate, but actually I really like the Lego Movie. The jokes are good, the story is good, and the characters just have personalities that make you laugh. But one of my all-time favorite things about this movie is the villain. He was voiced by Will Ferrel. Will Ferrel plays some really funny characters in movies, so it surprises me that in this movie he plays a character who every other character in the movie is afraid of. The Lego Movie is just one of those movies that I wanna watch again and again.

Everything Is Awesome!

The Force is Not with You

star wars

Star Was sucks. The characters are cheesy and the worst part is that it was directed by George Lucas. And why have a big hairy beast, not to mention he was voiced by a bunch of walruses, i’m not even sure that the big hairy beast is a boy. Then they made three crappy prequels. And why have people actors to play things that don’t live on earth, why not just get Andy Serkis to play some computer generated aliens. It is not the best movie ever.

The Force is Not with You

Let It Go People, This Movie Wasn’t That Great!


I don’t really like the movie Frozen for a bunch of reasons. My first issue is the song Let It Go. It is a cool song the first time you hear it, but when you hear it every day, it get’s REALLY annoying. Also the plot. It is just weird. You have these two sisters who one of them has ice powers, why ice powers, I mean I get that it’s a Disney movie and that Disney usually makes fictional movies but I would have liked to see this movie be realistic.That is really all I have to say about this fictional movie.

Let It Go People, This Movie Wasn’t That Great!

Apparently, This Kid Should Not Have Gone Viral.

I was never a huge fan of this new viral video called the apparently kid. All it is is a kid saying apparently in front of every sentence he says. I don’t know how it got this viral. I have seen re-mixes of it, and it hasn’t even been a video for very long. I think the kid is kind of annoying. He might be getting fan mail right now. HEY, WHERE IS MY FAN MAIL!

Apparently, This Kid Should Not Have Gone Viral.