Terraria is Better than Minecraft

Terraria Vs Minecraft

Okay, before you call me an idiot for liking Terraria more than Minecraft, and I am not saying that I don’t like Minecraft, I really do, I just think that Terraria is a little bit better than Minecraft. Many people call Terraria 2-D Minecraft, but it is way more than that. Terraria has thousands of more things than Minecraft, no exaggeration. Also Terraria has a bunch of those things that are in Minecraft mods, so for Terraria, you don’t have to spend forever for mods to download, you just already have all of those things. I do like both games, just I like one of the games more. So if you have never played those games, play both of them and tell me in the comments what you think of the games.

Terraria is Better than Minecraft

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